
System Integration

As the utility industry embraces technological advancements and operational efficiency, Bridgewater Consulting Group proudly introduces its latest service - System Integration. In the dynamic landscape of utility modernization, successful operations demand seamless integration of diverse systems.

We have a deep experience implementing various products and solutions including SEW Smart CX, WX and IX and drive measurable results across multiple organizations, vendors, and service providers. Our Business and System Integration experience leveraging best in class methodologies for agile development and delivery.

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Just as with our PMO services, we maintain a strategic approach to System Integration. We appreciate the intricate web of stakeholders, cultures, and objectives within utility organizations. Our commitment lies in empowering you to save resources and enhance operational efficiency. Bridgewater Consulting Group - your trusted partner in achieving a technologically integrated, streamlined, and successful future in the Utilities sector.

Bridgewater Consulting Group Works with Utilities to Provide System Integration Services for the following products:

  • AMI
  • SAP
  • SEW
  • AWS
  • OMS
  • DMS
  • DERM
  • EV
  • PLTE